Course content for A2 French courses
In this article you will learn which book is covered in the French A2 course as well as which topics are on which page.
On y va!
French course A2
Chapter | Topic | Pages | Content |
Chapter 1 | Alors, ces vacances? | LB 11-28AB 21-28 | Before and after a vacation, souvenirs, expressing disappointment/satisfaction, describing the landscape, characterizing objects Verbes réfléchis, passé composé, adjectives, pronouns le, la, l' and les |
Chapter 2 | La ville autrement | LB 29-46AB 40-46 | Means of transportation, train station, in the city The conditionnel présent, the pronoun y when referring to a place |
Chapter 3 | Santé-bien-être | LB 47-68AB 57-68 | At the doctor's and pharmacist's, sich wohlfühlen, Lebensgewohnheiten Pouvoir and savoir, Pronomen en, Indefinitbegleiter tout, |
Chapter 4 | Comme le temps passe! | LB 69-84AB 79-84 | Remembering, childhood, life (school) in the past and today The forms and use of the imparfait, the comparative adjective |
Chapter 5 | Ça peut arriver à tout le monde | LB 85-102AB 96-102 | Police station, before driving, traffic report on the radio, argue Imparfait and passeé composé, tenses, être en train de |
Chapter 6 | Qu'est-ce qu'on fête? | LB 103-124AB 115-124 | Celebrations/traditions, birthday and gifts, a private invitation The superlative of the adjective, the indirect obect pronoun, luit and leur |
Chapter 7 | Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie ? | LB 125-142AB 137-142 | Everyday working life and working conditions, retirement life, advertisements, biographies of famous people Relative pronoun qui, the relative pronoun que, the simple inversion question |
Chapter 8 | C'est comment, chez vous? | LB 143-160AB 155-160 | At home, apartment exchange, the neighborhood, view of the street, real estate ads Understanding the relative pronoun où, the imperative with pronouns, negation words |
Chapter 9 | Médias et communication | LB 161-178AB 172-178 | Media, listening to the radio, the French press, DVD evening restriction with ne...que, the future tense I, the interrogative pronoun lequel |